How to add Royal Mail Click & Drop Shipping Services

To add your shipping service for Click & Drop within Selro please follow the steps outlined below. 

Please go to shipping-> shipping courier set up-> set up Royal Mail Click & Drop-> select the shipping service tab. 


From here you can select the blue link, 'view your service codes in C&D' to see a list of all of the service names and codes within your C&D account that are available to you. 

To add new service codes to your account within Selro, please scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your service code and name as pictured below.

Please copy and paste the service code and service name exactly as you see within your Click & Drop account. 



Please note if you require a signature service you an add the service code with an S at the end of the service.

So for example if you are using the service TRN48 (tracked 48) if you add an S to the end of the service code TRN48 it will change the service to tracked 48 signature.   So for the Tracked 48 Signature the code will be TRN48S


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