If you get this error while listing items into eBay via Selro, please re-select the categories by editing the product.
Articles in this section
- eBay Variation QTY Update Failures
- The VAT rate needs to be between 0.0% and 27.0% with at most one decimal digit
- The item specific .......... is missing
- Please fix the listing error: Return policy value is not valid. Please specify a valid return policy.
- You cannot create Shop Buy it Now item listings
- eBay error message- Requires Unique Variation Specifics and Item Specifics.Variation Specifics and Item Specifics entered for a Multi-SKU item should be different.
- eBay Error Message 'Item Level Start Price Will Be Ignored...'
- Etsy Error Message 'Expected param 'taxonomy_id'
- Error: Return Policy Attribute returnDescription Not Valid On This Site
- eBay listing error - You’ve exceeded the number of items and dollar amount you can list
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