Missing Attributes standard_product_id. SKU does not match any ASIN

Amazon Error CodeError 8560


SKU <SKU>, Missing Attributes <ATTRIBUTE1>, <ATTRIBUTE2>, .... <SKU>does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: <ATTRIBUTE1>, <ATTRIBUTE2>, ... Feed ID: <FEEDID>. For more details, see http://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/errorcode/8560/


There are three possible causes for error 8560:


Invalid values. Standard product ID values are generally invalid for one of two reasons: they have the wrong number of characters or they fail to conform to industry standards.

First, check that your standard product ID meets the character requirements for UPC (12 digits), EAN (13 digits), or ISBN (10 digits, sometimes ending with an X) numbers.

Second, search the internet for a UPC validation or similar tool. Such tools can tell you whether your standard product ID conforms to industry standards. Note: If your standard product ID starts with a zero and you are working in Excel, Excel may have reformatted the number to remove the leading zero. To fix this, reformat the standard product ID column as text and manually edit the value.

Data not provided. One or more required fields have not been populated in the product data. Add values for the listed fields to your product data before resubmitting. Note: UPC codes starting with 2 and 4 are defined as “reserved for local use.” As such, our catalog system will ignore these codes and behave as if you hadn’t provided a UPC code in your feed.

Invalid item. You have attempted to match against existing products using just a standard product ID (UPC, EAN, etc.) that does not exist in our catalog.

If you entered the wrong standard product ID, you can correct it and resubmit the product data again.

If the standard product ID is correct, you will need to augment your product data with additional information and resubmit it before the product can be created in the Amazon catalog.

For more information please visit : https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/help.html/ref=ag_200692370_cont_17781?ie=UTF8&itemID=200692370&language=en_US

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