Selro is integrated with Parcel2Go for shipping label creation with your Pacel2Go account via Selro. Please follow the below steps to get Parcel2Go to integrate with Selro.
Please login into your Parcel2Go account
Please go to 'My Settings' on top right section.
Please select Settings -> API menu.
Please click 'Create new Credentials' and enter the application URL as .
This will give an API key and please enter this value into Selro Parcel2Go section.
Please log into your Selro account
Please select Shipping-> Shipping Courier Set up
Please select Available Carriers
Please select setup for Parcel2Go
Next, enter your account details and click save
Finally select the shipping services you want to use.
The below video takes you through the steps on how to connect your Parcel2go account in Selro and how to generate a shipping label for Parcel2Go.
Please note you cannot print your shipping labels directly from Selro, you will need to log into your Parcel2Go account to print off your shipping labels.
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