Commodity Codes (HS Codes)
Commodity codes also known as HS codes represent the product or products that you’re sending and can be recognised worldwide by all customs systems. HS Codes can be now store against each product in your Selro inventory. You can also configure your default HS code under Setting -> General Setting. You can bulk upload these codes into your Selro inventory using a CSV file.
You can enter HS codes (Both Export and Import) by opening the product in inventory. Under the 'Shipping' tab you can enter both Export and Import HS codes. In general If you you are shipping internationally, you would need 'export HS codes' while creating custom data. However some carriers such as B2C Europe they may require 'Import HS Code'. Please check with your courier to confirm which HS code to use.
EORI ((Economic Operator Registration and Identification)) Numbers
EORI number is assigned to importers and exporters by HMRC and is used during the customs clearance process for both import and export shipments traveling to or from the EU and countries outside the EU.
You can enter EORI number under each shipping carrier configuration section. You can register for an EORI number easily by visiting
Please follow the steps outlined below to enter your EORI number in Selro.
Please select Shipping-> Shipping Courier Set up-> Set up the courier you use-> enter your EORI number here.
Please click on the link below to view the government guidelines on EORI numbers
Product Type Description
This is the product description used by customers to clear shipments. By default, Selro uses the item description in the inventory. However most carriers ) now requires a very concise description. We have added a field called 'Custom Description' under the shipping tab for each product. You can also bulk update this value using a CSV file.
Country of Origin
Declaring which country your products were manufactured or produced in is crucial for international trade. It has an impact on duty and tax rates, and security checks if required. You can enter a country of origin for each product under the shipping tab or default for all your products under Settings - > General Setting section.
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