Supplier Management

Add Supplier Details into Selro

To add suppliers into Selro please suppliers-> manage suppliers





Next please select 'New supplier' 


Under details, you can enter the contact information for your Supplier. 



You can also bulk import your suppliers and supplier details via a CSV file. 

To bulk import your suppliers into Selro please download a copy of our sample file below to populate.

Bulk Import Suppliers.csv

To upload your CSV file please go to inventory-> bulk actions 



Please select bulk imports->under import file type select supplier-> import suppliers -> upload your file here 

It can take between 20-30 minutes to upload your CSV file.

You can check on the status of your upload file from this page. 

While your file is processing the status will say 'waiting' once your file has uploaded the status will change to complete.

If there are any issues with your CSV file for example you have uploaded your file with incorrect headers a warning message will appear on this page. 


Supplier Products

Under supplier products, you will be able to view all of your supplier products. 

To import your supplier products please select actions-> import supplier products

You can upload your supplier products via a CSV file. Please click on the link below to view the format your CSV file needs to be in. 

Import supplier products .csv

Once your supplier products have been imported you can add these to your main Selro inventory by selecting  actions-> add to my inventory

To remove your supplier products please select actions-> remove supplier products 

You can also create a purchase order from this page, simply select the item you would like to reorder-> other actions-> PO

(For more information on creating purchase orders in Selro please view our purchase order user guide

Purchase order user guide)



Supplier Feed

To keep your stock levels in sync with your supplier's quantity please enter your supplier's HTTP URL feed here. 

This feed will run every 6 hours as default, you can request a different frequency by contacting our support team at 

Once you have entered your feed please select 'fields mapping' from here you can map your supplier fields to Selro. 

Once you have completed the field mapping please select 'enable' to enable the stock sync with your supplier. This should change the status from 'Inactive' to 'Active'





Under this section, you can edit your Purchase Order layout. 

You can customise your PO header and footer.


For more details on supplier management and dropshipping in Selro please visit our dropshipping user guide section



If you want to link your supplier products to your existing Selro products please follow the steps outlined in the user guide below. 




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