To set up your warehouses in Selro please select your username in the top right-hand corner and then select 'warehouse management.'
You can set up multiple warehouses in Selro.
To add your warehouse please select 'new warehouse'
Here you can enter your warehouse details.
And set up multiple stock locations per warehouse.
You can bulk assign your products to warehouse based on SKU number by selecting 'bulk actions'-> 'bulk assign products to warehouse'
You can upload your products using the sample file below.
(If you want to assign your locations based on barcode instead of SKU number please change the header 'sku' to 'ean' and select 'bulk assign products to warehouse by barcode'
You can also assign stock to your warehouse by selecting bulk actions-> Bulk assign stock levels to warehouse.
You can upload your stock levels using the CSV file below.
Once you have created your warehouses and assigned your SKU's and stock levels you can view this under Inventory-> stock View
You can also view warehouse stock levels under your inventory.
Please select Inventory- Inventory & Listings-> select your product-> locations tab
You can add new locations under this section and assign stock to your warehouses too.
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