Deleting and Archiving Products

Before you delete any products in Selro please read the below. 


Please note when deleting products in Selro you can also remove your products from your sales channels once this is done we cannot recover your products from Selro. 


To remove a single product from Selro, please select the product-> select actions -> select Remove




To bulk remove products from Selro please bulk select your products (you can select up to 1,000 products at a time by changing the page size) Next select other actions -> and then remove products. 




The below box will then appear. 

If you ONLY want to remove your products from Selro (NOT from sales channels) please DO NOT select any of the boxes.

This will remove the product from Selro only but not from your sales channels.


If you want to delete this product from Selro AND your marketplaces please select the check box 'Also remove these products from listed channels' you will also need to enter the word DELETE.

This will remove your product from Selro and each of your marketplaces. 


If you are deleting a variation product and want to remove all other variations associated with this product please select the box 'Remove any variation products associated with this product' 




Important information:

When deleting a variation item ('child product') please note if you select 'also remove from listed channels' and enter the word 'DELETE' if your variation product has the same item ID as the other products under this variation listing then ALL variation products with the same item ID will  be deleted. 


This is the case for any configurable listings on eBay, each variation product will have the same item ID.

If you want to remove a single variation item from this listing you will need to delete this directly in the channel. 


You can also bulk remove products via a CSV file. 

If you go to inventory-> Bulk actions -> select file type 'bulk delete products'






The below page will appear

From here you can upload a CSV file with a list of all of the SKU's you wish to delete. 

Please only select the check box 'Also delete products from Sales Channels' if you want to remove this product from your marketplaces too. 

You will also need to enter your admin password to delete these products. 

'Please note once products have been removed from your marketplaces and Selro we cannot recover these items'




Archiving Products

If you would like to archive products to later restore instead of deleting , please use the archive functionality.   If  a product is  archived but the listings are still active in sales channels, those listings will not be downloaded into the inventory for stock control.

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