To view our webinar on this process please click on the link below.
How to merge products in Selro Webinar
If you have the same product under 2 different SKU numbers and you want to 'merge' them together for stock-keeping purposes please follow the steps outlined below:
In the example below there are 2 green jumpers, the same product, but they have 2 SKU numbers
To merge these products together select the product you want to merge and select 'merge products'
Selro will then highlight a similar item to merge this product into, you can also use the search filter to bring up the relevant SKU you want to merge this product into.
Once merged you will only see the 'parent' SKU in Selro inventory to view the original SKU, please edit the product:
Next select the listings tab, you will see the original SKU number here.
Please note only the stock level will be automatically updated, the listing information such as title/ description etc wont be amended.
To unmerge your products please select Other-> and 'un-merge'
You can also merge your products in bulk.
Please select inventory-> Bulk actions-> File type select 'merge SKUs'-> upload your file here
Please click on the link below to download a sample file to see the format the CSV upload needs to be in.
selro csv merge sku import file.csv
Please watch the video below to see how to merge products in Selro.
You can also export all of your merged listings to a CSV file at any time.
To create this export please go to:
inventory-> inventory & listings-> other actions-> export all merged listings.
The file will take around 20 minutes to complete processing and once complete you can download a copy of this report from:
Inventory-> bulk actions-> bulk exports
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