Connect Opencart

To integrate your OpenCart account into Selro please follow the steps outlined below. 


Please select your username in the top right hand corner->connections-> ecommerce channels-> add Opencart




From here please enter the following information:

Account Nickname, this is for your internal reference within Selro

Opencart Store Url

Secret Key (For Simple Security)- Please follow steps below to generate your API key

For API security please select Simple (secret key) 

Please select your opencart version. 




To generate your API key please log into your Opencart account

Select system-> users-> API -> + 




Please enter your API username (you can enter the word Selro)

Click 'generate'

Copy your API key and enter this into the Selro field 'Secret Key (For Simple Security)'


Once you have entered your API key please select test connection within Selro to ensure the connection is successful. 




Please watch the video below for more details on this process. 



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