Create Amazon Listing Template

You can create multiple listing templates for each of your Amazon marketplaces. 


The listing templates can help you list to Amazon quickly, by prepopulating a lot of the information, such as category and browser nodes. 


To set up you listing templates please click on your username-> select connections-> edit Amazon 




Next please select 'listing profiles' from here you can create new listing templates and edit past templates. 

You can also bulk assign products to your listings templates. Please click on the link below to view our user guide on this process. 

Bulk assign products to your Amazon listing template




Under general details, whatever information you add here will be submitted with your listing. 

From here you can enter:

Profile Name - this is for your internal reference within Selro

Amazon Site -  This will be automatically populated for you

Item Condition - You can either enter the item condition in the listing profile or at the product level. (Item condition at the product level will take precedence)  

Max Order Quantity

Handling Time : Please see user guide below on managing Amazon handling time in Selro. 

Handling Time

Listing Quantity - If you enter a listing quantity this will be the quantity that is displayed as available on Amazon, until your actual quantity drops below your listing quantity and then the stock level on Amazon will reduce accordingly. 

Number of items

Item Package Qty

Manufacture - You can either enter the manufacture in the listing profile or at the product level. (Manufacture at the product level will take precedence)  

Brand Name - If you have received the GTIN exception for creating products without a barcode (EAN or UPC), please enter the exact brand name approved by Amazon.

Department Name

Legal Disclaimer

Product Tax Code

Product Summary 

Search Terms - Max 50 characters for each search term)




Under the Shipping tab, you can enter your Amazon shipping template name. 

Please note you have to copy the shipping template name exactly as this is displayed in your Amazon account.

You cannot amend or change any of the information set in the shipping template from within Selro. 

Selro will send the shipping template name with your listing so when the listing is created on Amazon the relevant shipping template is assigned. 




Pricing Rules Tab, you set rules based on either the cost price or the selling price of your product. The rule will be applied to the existing price in Selro at the time of creating your rule. 

For example you can set you own pricing rules of ${cost_price!}*1.6 + 1  This will multiply the cost price by 1.6 and add 1 to the current cost price showing in Selro, to your Amazon listing

The following tags are available to use

${cost_price!} and ${selling_price!}





From the categories tab you can select the Amazon categories and browser nodes for this template (anytime you a list a product to Amazon using this template it will automatically assign them to this Amazon category)


From here you can also map Selro categories for this listing templates so that products in those Selro categories will be automatically assigned this listing template while listing to channels. 



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