If you used to have a trial account with Selro and would like to reopen your trial account please contact our support team at support@selro.com.
If you had a subscription account and would like to reopen your account, please log into your account.
You will then be given the option to re-subscribe. Once you have set up your payment method you will be able to access your account again.
Please note if your account was closed over 6 months ago your product data will have been removed to ensure compliance with GDPR legislation.
When you first log back into your account please go to Inventory-> inventory synchronise-> ensure that the stock sync is currently disabled. (As the stock levels in Selro will no longer be accurate)
Before you begin using Selro again please click on your username and select connections.
You will need to reconnect/ enable your channels here. If you have been adding new products directly to your channel please click 'download catalogue' to import any new products.
As your account has been closed for several months you will need to upload a stock file into Selro to correct the current stock levels in the system.
Please view our user guide below on how to bulk update your quantities in Selro.
It generally takes around 20 minutes for a CSV file to process.
Once your file has uploaded and your stock levels in Selro are correct you can then re-enable the stock synchronisation.
If you would like to book an onboarding session to refresh your knowledge of Selro's systems and features please click on the link below.
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