Please follow the below steps to connect DHL Parcel in your Selro account for direct label printing.
Please select shipping-> shipping courier set up-> available carriers-> set up DHL Parcel
Next, please enter the following details for your DHL Parcel account, if you are unsure of your account number or API keys please contact your account manager at DHL and they will be able to provide this information for you.
For label format this will default to PNG, if you want to generate an integrated label you will need to change the label format to PDF.
Next, please enable the shipping services you want to use under the shipping services tab.
Under Integrated label settings you have the option to customise your DHL label
You can design your integrated label using HTML in this section.
If you select 'Available label tags' you will see all of the available tags that you can use in your integrated label.
For more information on integrated label designs, please click on the link below.
To connect your printer please select the 'Printer Set-Up' tab and download the relevant software for your computer.
Once you have downloaded the QZ printer tray please click 'search printer' and connect your printer in Selro.
If you select the print automatically check box, then when you generate your labels these will be automatically sent to your printer.
Once your DHL Parcel integration is complete you will be able to generate and print your labels directly from Selro.
Please go to Orders-> open orders-> select your order-> click 'create labels'-> click via DHL Parcel.
For more information on the order management process within Selro,
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