Pseudo stock can be considered as virtual stock or number of stock that you will allow for back orders. Selro provides below two types of Pseudo stock for stock control.
Static Pseudo Stock : Regardless Of Real Stock Levels
Static pseudo stock remains at the value you set it to no matter what. Every time your real stock value changes, your pseudo stock level will reset to your chosen value.
Decrementing Pseudo Stock : Regardless of Real Stock
Your pseudo stock will begin at whatever value you set. It will then count down with every sale made until it reaches zero, becoming unavailable until you update the figure. Please note that this will start reducing after the on hand stock reaches zero. So this could use as a back order qty levels for some of your products.
You can enter the Pseudo stock under stock levels tab of the product
If you want to disable the pseudo stock, you can remove the values or bulk upload a file to remove in bulk or apply in bulk.
Currently the pseudo functionality is only available for following sales channels
- Amazon
- eBay
- Shopify
- Woocommerce
- Etsy
- Onbuy
ETA for all the other channels is December 2022
CSV Field Names for Bulk Upload
Description | CSV Field Name |
Pseudo (Static ) Quantity Upload | pseudoqty |
Pseudo (Decrementing) Quantity Upload | pseudoqtydecrementing |
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