Creating Royal Mail Shipping Labels

Once the Royal Mail account is connected with Selro, please follow the below steps to generate shipping labels and generate end of the day Manifest.  The follow for generating shipping labels is same for all carriers except for Royal Mail you have to select the service format 'Letter', 'Large Letter', 'Parcel' etc.

Please refer to the shipping rule engine tutorial on how to create shipping rules and assign RM service with different service format.


Please click 'Open Orders' to view the orders waiting to be fulfilled.


From Unshipped or Processing Order tabs, please select the orders and click 'Create Labels -> Royal Mail. 




This will open up the Royal Mail shipping console with below settings.  Please select the shipping service and service format (e.g Letter, Large Letter).  If you have shipping rules configured these will be automatically applied for each order.





Please click 'Create Label' This will produce Royal Mail 4x6  shipping labels.  You can print the labels into your Zebra Printer or any Royal Mail compatible printer.


Please follow the  Royal Mail connection tutorial on how to connect your printer  and automatically print labels once the labels are generated.





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