DX Freight

To add DX Freight as a shipping courier please follow the steps outlined below:


Please select shipping-> shipping courier set up-> Available Couriers-> 'setup' DX Freight








Next, please enter your account information as pictured below:

If you are unsure of your account number, user ID, or password please contact your account manager at DX shipping. 



You can then select all of the shipping services you want to use from under the 'shipping services' tab

If you want to design your own integrated label you can do that from the integrated label settings tab.

For more information on setting up you integrated label design please click on the link below to view our user guide on this process.

Integrated Label User Guide

To print labels from Selro you need to connect your printer, to do this please select the 'printer set up tab'

From here please download the relevant software for your computer. 

This will enable to directly print from the browser into the Thermal printer. Once installed, Please come back to this page and click 'Search' printer and set the printer for printing shipping labels.







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